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IMDb: None listed

Credits for: Jay Veal

  • Producer
    • DirecTV - Frozen in Place (commercial)
      DirecTV - Frozen in Place (2011) ... Producer

      Summary: A man watches DirecTV in different rooms, symbolized by a frozen environment in his home.
    • Volkswagen - Dog (commercial)
      Volkswagen - Dog (c. 2008) ... Producer

      Summary: A dog sings along to "I'm a Man" while in the VW, but quiets down out in public.
    • Comcast High-Speed Internet - Rabbit (commercial)
      Comcast High-Speed Internet - Rabbit (2008) ... Producer

      Summary: Comcast compares the speed of their internet services to a rabbit
    • Extended Stay Hotels - So Relaxed (commercial)
      Extended Stay Hotels - So Relaxed (2008) ... Producer

      Summary: People are so relaxed at the hotel, they pass gas without restraint.
    • Farmers - Stolen Car (commercial)
      Farmers - Stolen Car (2007) ... Co-Producer

      Summary: A man finds his car has been stolen and envisions all sorts of frightening effects.
    • Hyundai - Commitment (commercial)
      Hyundai - Commitment (2007)

      Summary: A man drives down a dark road as a voice-over talks about commitment.
    • Volkswagen - Golf - Night Drive (commercial)
      Volkswagen - Golf - Night Drive (2007) ... Producer

      Summary: Beautiful scenes of driving in a city at night.
    • eBay - Belief (commercial)
      eBay - Belief (c. 2005)

      Summary: Folks are shown doing good things, demonstrating that people are generally good.
    • eBay - Clocks (commercial)
      eBay - Clocks (c. 2005)

      Summary: A crowd of thousands hold their clocks in front of a man who's looking to add to his collection.
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