Song: Yakima

Info about the song

iTunes: Buy song from iTunes

amazon: None listed

Album: Block Ice & Propane

Artist: Erik Friedlander

tv commercials and cinema ads

Apple - iPhone - Ken "My Show" Apple - iPhone - Ken "My Show" (2007)
Summary: An iPhone owner explains how he reads reviews of his play on his phone.

Apple - iPhone - Bryce "Delay" Apple - iPhone - Bryce "Delay" (2007)
Summary: An iPhone owner talks about how the phone helped to avoid a flight delay.

Apple - iPhone - Kristin "The Winger" Apple - iPhone - Kristin "The Winger" (2007)
Summary: An iPhone owner explains how she uses the iPhone at the ballet.

Apple - iPhone - Doug "Mankind" Apple - iPhone - Doug "Mankind" (2007)
Summary: An iPhone owner explains how the device is one of the greatest advancements in the history of mankind.

Apple - iPhone - Stefano "One Thing" Apple - iPhone - Stefano "One Thing" (2007)
Summary: An iPhone owner explains how his iPhone replaced his old iPod, camera, phone, and texting phone.

Apple - iPhone - Elliot "Meredith" Apple - iPhone - Elliot "Meredith" (2007)
Summary: An iPhone owner tells a story about how the web feature on his phone helped him remember some people's names.

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