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IMDb: None listed

Credits for: Jeff Goodby

  • Creative Director
    • Chevy Volt - Hamtramck, MI (commercial)
      Chevy Volt - Hamtramck, MI (2012) ... CD/Co-Chairman

      Summary: A Chevy Volt assembly line figuratively goes through Hamtramck, MI.
    • Häagen-Dazs - Opera (commercial)
      Häagen-Dazs - Opera (2008) ... Co-Chairman, Creative Director

      Summary: A bee tries to connect with a flower, but is blown away by the wind.
    • eBay - Belief (commercial)
      eBay - Belief (c. 2005)

      Summary: Folks are shown doing good things, demonstrating that people are generally good.
    • eBay - Clocks (commercial)
      eBay - Clocks (c. 2005)

      Summary: A crowd of thousands hold their clocks in front of a man who's looking to add to his collection.
  • Executive/Owner
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