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IMDb: None listed

Credits for: Frank Todaro

  • Director
    • GEICO - Piggy (commercial)
      GEICO - Piggy (2010) ... Director

      Summary: Rhetorical question: Did the little piggy cry "wee wee wee" all the way home?
    • GEICO - Woodchucks (commercial)
      GEICO - Woodchucks (2010) ... Director

      Summary: Rhetorical question: Do woodchucks chuck wood?
    • Verizon Wireless - Hallway Brothers (commercial)
      Verizon Wireless - Hallway Brothers (2008) ... Director

      Summary: Two creepy brothers warn of a dead zone
    • Nationwide - Rollin' VIP - Kevin Federline (commercial)
      Nationwide - Rollin' VIP - Kevin Federline (2007)

      Summary: Kevin Federline is rapping in a video with all the amenities of the pop star life, but then reality hits, and he's shown working in a fast food place.
    • Kohler - Jo's Plumbing (commercial)
      Kohler - Jo's Plumbing (2007)

      Summary: A man tries to clog his toilet so he can hire an attractive plumber.
    • AT&T - Family Rollover Minutes (commercial)
      AT&T - Family Rollover Minutes (2007) ... Director

      Summary: A mother reprimands her son for throwing away rollover minutes.
    • Sprint - Lawyer (commercial)
      Sprint - Lawyer (2006)

      Summary: With a lawyer to back up the veracity of his statements, a spokesman speaks of how powerful the Sprint network is.
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