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IMDb: None listed

Credits for: Phillip Lopez

  • Producer
    • Hyundai - Talking - Sweet Ride (commercial)
      Hyundai - Talking - Sweet Ride (2010) ... Producer

      Summary: Hyundai Uncensored. Hidden cameras in Hyundais catch people talking during test drives.
    • Hyundai - Ouch - Better Than A... (commercial)
      Hyundai - Ouch - Better Than A... (2010) ... Producer

      Summary: Hyundai Uncensored. Hidden cameras on a test drive catch people liking Hyundai better than their old cars.
    • Hyundai - Sonata - Are You Kidding Me? (commercial)
      Hyundai - Sonata - Are You Kidding Me? (2010) ... Producer

      Summary: Hyundai Uncensored. Hidden cameras catch people surprised at the affordable prices on the Hyundai Sonata.
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