Extra Info

IMDb: Paul Cameron

Credits for: Paul Cameron

  • Director
    • Honda Civic - Apartment - To Each Their Own (commercial)
      Honda Civic - Apartment - To Each Their Own (2011) ... DP

      Summary: Five different drivers leave their apartments in five different versions of the Honda Civic.
    • Honda Civic - Date with a Woodsman (commercial)
      Honda Civic - Date with a Woodsman (2011) ... DP

      Summary: A woodsman takes a date on drive in the woods in his 2012 Civic Hybrid.
    • Honda Civic - Ninja (commercial)
      Honda Civic - Ninja (2011) ... DP

      Summary: A ninja is in a car chase in her Honda Civic Si.
    • Honda Civic - It's Good To Be a Zombie (commercial)
      Honda Civic - It's Good To Be a Zombie (2011) ... DP

      Summary: A zombie and his non-zombie friends have some fun after work.
    • Honda Civic - Monster (commercial)
      Honda Civic - Monster (2011) ... DP

      Summary: A college girl monster shops with her friends, and drives in her Civic HF.
    • Absolut - Hugs (commercial)
      Absolut - Hugs (2009) ... DP

      Summary: People use hugs and kisses as their currency.
    • Foot Locker - Nike - The Pier (commercial)
      Foot Locker - Nike - The Pier (2008) ... DP

      Summary: Basketball players use a shoreline carnival as their basketball court.
    • Jeep - Fun On Wheels (commercial)
      Jeep - Fun On Wheels (2007)

      Summary: Outdoor activities and Jeep go together, which is symbolized by items like surfboards and tents riding on wheels.
    • Jeep - Sandbox (commercial)
      Jeep - Sandbox (2007) ... Directory of Photography

      Summary: The jeep model line up is shown racing through a giant sandbox
    • Hyundai - Commitment (commercial)
      Hyundai - Commitment (2007) ... Director of Photography

      Summary: A man drives down a dark road as a voice-over talks about commitment.
    • Volkswagen - Golf - Night Drive (commercial)
      Volkswagen - Golf - Night Drive (2007) ... Director of Photography

      Summary: Beautiful scenes of driving in a city at night.
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