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IMDb: Gil Baron

Credits for: Gil Baron

  • Visual Effects
    • Verizon - HTC ThunderBolt - Harvest (commercial)
      Verizon - HTC ThunderBolt - Harvest (2011) ... Lead VFX/Inferno Artist

      Summary: A guy hooks up wires on a rooftop to harvest lightning.
    • Verizon - Countdown (commercial)
      Verizon - Countdown (2011) ... Lead VFX/Inferno Artist

      Summary: A girl counts Mississippis between lightning strikes and the thunder.
    • Pepsi - Pass (commercial)
      Pepsi - Pass (2009) ... VFX Set Supervisor

      Summary: This ad pays tribute to the cultural, political, and musical changes that occurred in Western culture during the 20th century.
    • Barclays - iShares - Strike Anywhere (commercial)
      Barclays - iShares - Strike Anywhere (2006) ... Visual Effects Shoot Supervision

      Summary: Ideas strike various people, and they become focused on thinking out the ideas.
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