Extra Info

IMDb: Kathy Siegel

Credits for: Kathy Siegel

  • Visual Effects
    • Washington Mutual - WaMu - Hair (commercial)
      Washington Mutual - WaMu - Hair (2008) ... VFX Supervisor

      Summary: A man fantasizes about driving a sports car and having hair, after hearing about WaMu's free checking account
    • Puma - Usan (commercial)
      Puma - Usan (2008) ... VFX Supervisor

      Summary: Dancers wear Puma footwear while performing along with Paolo Nutini
    • Levi's - Helium Jeans (commercial)
      Levi's - Helium Jeans (2008) ... Visual Effects Supervisor

      Summary: A guy floats around in helium-inflated pants.
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