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IMDb: David Elsewhere

Credits for: David Elsewhere

  • Actor
    • Heineken - Popping (commercial)
      Heineken - Popping (c. 2006) ... Dancer

      Summary: A night out and everybody's standing around, but then the dance moves start flowing.
    • 7-Eleven - Slurpee - Dance (commercial)
      7-Eleven - Slurpee - Dance (c. 2006) ... Dancing Guy

      Summary: A guy does pop-lock/liquiding style dancing in front of a 7-Eleven after drinking a Cherry Slurpee.
    • iPod + iTunes - Pop-Lock (commercial)
      iPod + iTunes - Pop-Lock (2005) ... Dancer

      Summary: In silhouette, dancers hold iPods and do pop lock style dance moves.
    • Volkswagen - Golf GTI - Singin' in the Rain (commercial)
      Volkswagen - Golf GTI - Singin' in the Rain (2005) ... Dancer

      Summary: An updated version of Singin' in the Rain.
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