Extra Info

IMDb: None listed

Credits for: Furlined/SM

  • Producer
    • Bing - Thelma & Louise (commercial)
      Bing - Thelma & Louise (2010) ... Prod Company

      Summary: Two women find a restaurant with Bing in their own version of a famous scene from Thelma & Louise.
  • Production Company
    • Nike - Don't Criticize (Hyperize) (commercial)
      Nike - Don't Criticize (Hyperize) (2009) ... Production Company

      Summary: Music-video-style, basketball players pose as rappers.
    • Emerald Mixed Nuts - Kitchen (commercial)
      Emerald Mixed Nuts - Kitchen (2008)

      Summary: The Swiss Family Robinson bothers a tired man
    • Emerald Mixed Nuts - Golf (commercial)
      Emerald Mixed Nuts - Golf (2008)

      Summary: The girls from the "Addicted To Love" video try to makeover a sleeping man.
    • Washington Mutual - WaMu - Hair (commercial)
      Washington Mutual - WaMu - Hair (2008)

      Summary: A man fantasizes about driving a sports car and having hair, after hearing about WaMu's free checking account
    • Washington Mutual - WaMu - Snow Angel (commercial)
      Washington Mutual - WaMu - Snow Angel (2008)

      Summary: A woman at a WaMu branch daydreams about her bake shop.
    • Orbit - Tournament (commercial)
      Orbit - Tournament (2008) ... Production Company

      Summary: Competing male cheerleaders insult each other using clean language.
    • Orbit - Spritzer (commercial)
      Orbit - Spritzer (2008) ... Production Company

      Summary: An obnoxious model gets her comeuppance from the spritzer girl.
    • Ask.com - Pregnant Woman (commercial)
      Ask.com - Pregnant Woman (2008) ... Production Company

      Summary: A guy leaning on the shoulder of a pregnant woman asks questions she's thinking.
    • Cadillac - Dylan Detour (commercial)
      Cadillac - Dylan Detour (2007)

      Summary: Bob Dylan takes a scenic drive on a western us road in the desert.
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