Google Custom Search

splendAd Admin keith 526
We've gotten some feedback about our use of Google Custom Search, which replaces in-house search we were using before.

The major complaint so far is the results are all mixed together now.

We're open to changing things if they'll end up better serving everyone. We intend on expanding our use Google Custom Search in ways that you might find results more easily, so stay tuned.

If anyone has any opinions on the new search, let us know.
splendAd Admin keith 526 In reply to: keith
Google Custom Search will still be our default search, and retains its place in the upper right hand corner. However, we've brought back the classic search as an "Advanced search", which is linked from the bottom of the Google Custom Search results.
Or go directly here:
The Advanced search allows you to specify whether you want to search in:
1. Corp/Brand/Product
2. Song
3. Ad Title
4. Forum Posts
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