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BP - Babies

BP - Babies (2007) 08 Apr, 2007 11:46 AM
BP - Babies Summary: Cartoon babies drive to a BP gas station.

Song: LA by Message of the Blues

Buy song from iTunes

[anonymous] They ran off without paying for the gasoline, and now are sitting in a correctional facility for minors.
[anonymous] They are teaching kids that it's okay to drive and steal.
[how do i get the whole song?]
splendAd Admin keith 526
I wrote to Beacon Street Studios, and they said they'd be releasing a full length version on an upcoming album. As soon as we know, we'll update the info here.
[Artist] love the graphics
[Ace] i want the song, just love the whistling!
[CJ] The song makes me smile. :o) ...and say hey.
splendAd Admin keith 526
Updated above with myspace link
[Ace] say hey...when will the full song come out, or is there one?!?
splendAd Admin keith 526
I'd like people not to jump to conclusions with Message of the Blues. I'm trying to confirm this but I believe Message of the Blues is a codename that Beacon Street Studios is using, and is made up of Beacon Street members Andrew Feltenstein and John Nau. The song "LA" hasn't been released for sale yet, and I'm still trying to find out more about that.
splendAd Admin keith 526
They are now selling the song through Indie911/Hoooka -
[guy] well, its not the SAY HEY song...i guess they dont plan on releasing a full version of that?
[Sam] I heard itunes has it? i dont know though.
[anonymous] Who sings the song????
[anne] the song is by "message of the blues" and is called LA. they reworked the song for bp.
[amy] so is the ANY way to actually get the BP version - NOT the LA version??
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