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Rolling Rock - Man Thong

Rolling Rock - Man Thong (2007) 29 Jan, 2007 11:47 PM
Rolling Rock - Man Thong Summary: A man who's about to accept a job has to know about two things: the men in the office wear thongs, and...  
[Erik] This is a brilliant ad. I want an ice cold Rolling Rock right now myself!! Not allowing this ad on the television is absurd. It's certainly ok to show off as much of a woman's body as you can, but putting men in thongs on TV, my heavens. Get over it June Cleaver. Oh, don't show this ad because it's immoral, but grab your gun Tommy and go shoot me dead some Iraqis cause papa needs oil.

Great ad!!! It shows the company has a great sense of humor and is not stuffy. What drunk likes stuffy? Not I. Now, stuffing, that's a totally different story.
[Robbie] I don't like this advert too too much, but it is brilliant because every gay bar in america has rolling rock - and it is aimed for gays clearly.
[Anonymous] ... why is there one guy in the end thats wearing pants? The cohesion of the ad just fell apart.
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